

I can tell eating organic is going to be a daunting, social task. I have a birthday to go to tonight. I can't really eat or drink anything. Are people going to want to ask me out to engagements after this? Will they even notice if I don't eat or drink?

I decided to take my own initiative and surf the net to see what is going on in the Organic World in New York City. I ran across a REALLY cute place called Gustorganics. It is the world's very first USDA Certified Organic Bar! They also have a varied food menu.

Hmmmmm. Who do I drag to Gustorganics first? Guess it will make a good topic for tonight's party.

By the way had a wonderful meal at Organique once again of chicken with stewed veggies and brussel sprouts. Today for some reason I could taste the difference in the quality of the food. Hmmmmm(again).

Off to go see how anti-social I can be now!

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