

Four days before I started this blog I had already started to eat organically. Seeing part of Food, Inc made me want to play around with this thought a little bit. It wasn't until I saw that I could make affordable choices that I decided to go on this adventure.
I had already cut out ALL sodas and carbonated beverages almost 3 years ago (aside from the occasional soda around the holidays). I already try to stay away from most sugar except around that time of month (sugar ages you!!!!). Giving up sugar seems sort of easy since I had started an aloe juice drink last month which stabilizes the blood sugar and insulin.

Getting straight to the point I have been down right exhausted these first few days!!! Yesterday I had my aloe juice as usual for breakfast along with an organic gluten free banana chocolate granola bar. For lunch I had a thigh of chicken along with mixed veggies. By the time dinner came around I was hungry, but too tired to do the massive amounts of paperwork and research that I usually do so I went ahead and had more granola.

Today I feel the same. I had grilled salmon with kale for lunch.
It wasn't even 1pm today and I wanted to head off for a snooze.
In fact I am so tired that I want to save my energy for the rest of my business work.
I think I have at another 361 days to get acquainted with everyone anyway.


Oh p.s. The photo I included above is the one of my face at Day 1. I am taking photos of myself for another project so I figured this was a great way to monitor not only how I feel, but how I look!

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