

So tonight I was at a group dinner meeting with about 12 colleagues. I was concerned about a random dinner meeting, but the host said not to worry...the menu was organic.

Well I wish I had a better photo to show you my tongue! Even 4 hrs after dinner my tongue feels like I've been licking a brick for hours. I have circled the raised taste buds that are really painful. They look like mini cysts.
The sad thing is I just started back on organic last sunday after a month long stint on industrial so I had to go through a major detox once again. I'm worn out from it.

It usually takes minutes up to a few hours to see what histamine response I will have to the food. Too bad I didn't try to come with a histamine blocker, but I REALLY wanted everything to be organic.

Perhaps the chef was confusing organic with locally sourced?
I'll worry about it in the morning. Right now I need to go nurse this migraine!



I'm tired, cranky, bitchy, and I want to throw everyone out the window. Not too long after the first blizzard here in jan in NYC I decided to see what would happen if I fully went back to conventional food. I decided to give myself 30 days to the experiment. 40lbs later!!!!!!!!!!
I have to take an antihistamine if I eat fruits or veggies. My stomach is swollen and hardened.

What's the difference in my diet?
Let's start with breakfast. Organic breakfast is 1lb of eggs with cheese. Industrial breakfast is three eggs with cheese.
Lunch is a fresh rosemary wrap with either chicken, carrots, 2 triangles of cheese, onions, olives, cabbage, and some pesto. Organic lunch is Chipotle's enormous burrito with chicken, extra cheese, guacamole, lettuce, peppers......a 350 calorie difference.
Dinner is still usually fish or chicken, but now I've added various vegetables to it.

Basically I'm eating smaller quantities and 100's of calories less and gaining massive amounts of weight. My hands are so swollen right now I'm surprised I can even type.
I got so depressed the other day I finally went for the sweet potato fries with the wrap. How is a person who was so together so out of control?

So now in the last week I'm craving junk, I haven't worked out, and I want to curl up into a ball and disappear. Who is this person???
I feel like Susan Powter screaming STOP THE INSANITY! As I saw the weight packing on I decided to order SENSA advertised all over the internet. It's a shaker you shake all over your food. I couldn't last even 4 days with it. I felt like the girl who turned into a blueberry from chewing gum that Willy Wonka told her not to chew. I even emailed them to tell them I had a reaction, but no one got back to me. What is in that stuff?!!!

The reason I took industrial food detour boys and girls is because I hated how obsessed I had to be about the source of my food. I hated that I was excluded on so many social occasions or felt that I had to exclude myself so that I could avoid talking about it. Who knew food was such a central part of our lives? I hated that I felt like an outcast and the work that I had to put into it. But you know what? I'm trading it all back in for organic because nothing felt as good as organic did. I think my body's not going to give me a choice anyway. ooooh forgot to mention the ghastly breakouts I had. Really not good for business!

So the final chapter of this story is if I go back to that big burrito pictured there on the left will I lose the weight? Will it fall off as fast if at all? I'm just working organic back into the diet again. I've been so depressed that it is taking every ounce of effort to get back there again.

Thanks to all of you who have been following me on this journey by the way. Your messages are encouraging and I know we can change our food around to make everything better!
