

I can't believe how much time has passed and how much I have already learned. It is so encouraging to see how my own changes in my life have started to impact others. I even saw one of my friends secretly start to change some of their products to organic (even though he was laughing at me in the beginning)! My brother is making his own granola. Friends are going to organic restaurants. There are exciting changes being made.

In the beginning of my journey I spoke of how Fresh Direct had included Kashi in their organic section. I also spoke about how they would not respond to how upset I was that they put items that were not organic in their organic section of their website. It's a long story, but if you go back to the beginning of the blog you can read more about it.

Right after I got the Kashi in January I found a group/note on Facebook called the Kashi Misconceptions. I posted my grievances. I was upset how we as consumers are being misled in so many ways.

This past week a woman named Lori Geiger (her photo is above) posted a little more helpful information. I asked Lori if I could post her photo and response to the thread because I admired that she exercised her right as a responsible consumer.

I really feel like we as consumers need to stop trusting everything that is handed to us. We need to really connect to the things that we put on and in our bodies.

This is what Lori posted about Kashi:

"My local food co-op store stopped carrying Kashi. :~( When asked why, they said Kashi uses genetically modified grains. Never one to believe things without confirmation, I called Kashi. They stated that they never intentionally purchase GM grains, however there is no certainty that the grains have not been contaminated at the farm level. They carry only 4 items marked organic, all cereals. Sad day in Kashi land! :o(
I do not believe this rests on the company's shoulders. If there were more oversight of the GMO or didn't use them at all on the farm, we wouldn't have this problem!"

What I love most about Lori is that she is open and not angry. There is a lot of love in what she says and no fear. She didn't trust what one person said. She went straight to the source.

Yeah Lori!

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