

One of my writer friends just emailed me to ask me how do I determine if a product is GMO? Well I haven't done tons of research yet, but generally the big products: corn, soybeans, canola, etc are mostly GMO. Here is what the USDA reported. Almost 100% of soybeans are GMO! Soymilk and Tofu lovers beware!

So simply put if you are feeding yourself and/or your children processed foods they're likely to have hidden high fructose corn syrup and be GM (Genetically Modified). I don't think our bodies can process this!

In addition there's a simpler test to know if your farmer/grocer is being honest about their produce. How long does it last? Organic tends to go bad faster. At Gustorganics restaurant you can even see the dessert tray of fruits go brown right in front of you eyes while you sit there! Doesn't affect the taste at all.

I had a really cute experience the other day. One of my clients told me that she had to buy organic lemons because the store was sold out of regular lemons. She said she never knew lemons could have such a full taste or could be so juicy. Then she commented on how they didn't last very long. After such a fulfilling experience in taste with the lemons and seeing my weight fall of she never wants to go back to industrial fruit!

So the moral of the story is stay away from processed foods. We hear it all of the time, but it's literally killing us!!! Do your homework. Find out what you can buy locally. The more we support independent farmers the more food options there will be because right now outside of NYC organic is almost impossible!

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