

Tonight was a late night with clients for me. It's around 11pm and my last client just left, but not before she ordered us in some grilled chicken, grilled vegetables, and brown rice from Gustorganics. She's not one to really go crazy for vegetables, but since she was with me she thought she'd be open about it.
After we finished our meals in the salon she said that she was very impressed and couldn't wait to try other things! Then she went on to ask what was on the vegetables to make them taste so good? I asked her what she meant by that? She said that the vegetables had so much flavor! I laughed and told her 'that flavor' is what a vegetable is supposed to taste like. I explained to her this was what I felt I was missing in my food from the time I came to New York: taste!!!! She's lived here her whole life so she really didn't have the perspective I have of eating food grown right in our own gardens!
Just goes to show positive lifestyle choices can bring about positive change!

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