

After working a long, hard day in the office I decided it was time to take a break at the ping pong club next door called SPIN NYC. I had mentioned them in the beginning because they were the ones trying to accommodate my gluten free diet.

Much to my surprise they had added an organic wine to their alcohol list!!! When one of the owners of the restaurant saw me at the club and asked why I had not been there I told her about my organic journey. She said that actually a lot of what they source is local or what would be considered to be organic!!! She said she would sit down with me and go through the menu to show me what was organic. Yeah!

Some of the staff there said they also noticed that I was losing weight, especially in my face. One of the bartenders who is from Russia said that where she comes from in Russia (Siberia) everything is organic. She said she was super skinny in Russia. She also said they ate more in season which is what Alicia Silverstone talks about in her book the Kind Diet. I asked the bartender if she gained weight moving to the US and she said definitely. 20 lbs extra to her 100 lb frame. She attributes it to eating food in restaurants so she keeps it under control by preparing most of her own food so
that she knows exactly what is in it.

Good info. Looks like I have a date with one of the owners at Spin to figure out what I can eat!!!

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