

Ah....Fat Tuesday....Mardi Gras as some people know it. One of my friends and I made plans to attend my current stomping grounds, Gustorganics once again. We order a Hempenada, the Skirt Steak, mashed potatoes, tomato stewed green beans, salad, a champagne for myself, and she had a Sangria. Once again I had to keep a friend from moaning too much over the food. She loved it, but what she liked about it most is that it was the first meal in years that did not give her some sort of indigestion. She can't really tolerate dairy either and she was able to stomach the cheese in the hempenada. In fact she enjoyed dinner so much she insisted on paying the tab....second time this has happened to me! That never happens to me anywhere.

So after our delish dinner we whisked away to my friend D'Angelo's fashion party. D'Angelo had a beautiful spread of red velvet and other various cupcakes that I had to take a photo of. They were really a sight to behold, but not organic! In case you were wondering they came from Aunt Butchie's Of Brooklyn. The great thing was I WAS NOT TEMPTED! Maybe because I had just eaten a satisfying meal, but the old Mary would have still had room to try dessert. After all don't want to hurt anyone's feelings right? Look at that photo and tell me you wouldn't have been tempted.

Anyway it was another satisfying evening of organic with kindred spirits and slowly people are beginning to understand that Organic might actually make a difference!

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