

Taco Bell's New Green Menu Takes No Ingredients From Nature

I think the biggest question I've heard at least once a day over the entire month is "How are you able to afford Organic"?! "Isn't Organic expensive?"

In the very little time I've had with Organic I can firmly say with industrial food you are paying for quantity, not quality. Our portions here in the US are enormous. For some reason I always felt I had to eat so much more because I was just never satisfied with the food.

For example if you go to McDonald's you're getting a value meal of over 2000 calories for about $5-$7. The thing is if you ask most people who eat McDonald's or any other fast food they aren't satisfied with just the one meal for the entire day. People are packing on the pounds merely because the calories they ate didn't make them content!

With organic I have been able to actually spread my portions throughout the day AND pay even less for my food. As I also mentioned in an earlier post Alicia Silverstone also discusses in her book THE KIND DIET that eating in season and locally also keeps costs down!

The moral of the story is I am content when I eat my food. I don't eat and then think about when I'm going to have my next meal as I have done in the past. My mood and energy is better. I'm saving on doctor bills for health. Oh, and my weight is going down nice and gradually.

For a little comic relief I thought I'd attach this video I found. LOL!

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