

So one of my friends just brought a blog posting to my attention. It's about the fact that the USDA standards for organic have been crap. Some industrial food has passed as organic.

This is a very common thing that happens in the cosmetic industry as well. A company can try to get away with misinformation and mislabeling to the detriment of the consumer because the repercussions are not in place.

Fortunately for me I am buying from restaurants that are having to worry about this instead of me. Secondly there are some products that I believe in that are not organic. They just taste different to me. They don't agree with me. Through this journey others have brought to my attention that they feel the same way.

The journey for me this year is to do the best I can with the information that I have, to figure out choices that are both available and unavailable, and to make sure there are choices in a country that was founded on choices.

I want a choice. Don't you?

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