

So ever since I posted something about how I can tell that the food is organic or fresh I have heard whispers about my confidence in this matter. Many don't understand how I could really tell if my food is organic or not.

I think it's very simple to tell if your food is fresh. You can see it deteriorate right in front of you unless it is naturally preserved with spices the way my Indian or Asian friends do. If you can't see your food turning right in front of you then you might have to reconsider the source. The taste is also a HUGE indicator for me. A spear of steamed broccoli with a light oil can be so fulfilling if it's organic...such intense flavor.

I remember when people used to talk about how europeans bought their food fresh every day from the butchers and bakers. Somehow our lives became busy here in the USA and required us to make food last a bit longer in order to save time. That's still no excuse. We do have the luxury of freezing our meals in this day and age!!!!

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