

The White House announced on May 11th that the threat to American society is not necessarily the war on terrorism, but the endocrine-disrupting chemicals in our foods!!!!!!!!!!

This is a MAJOR news break that shows that my journey may not be as ridiculous as many have commented. After the major results I was seeing in the first month I knew it couldn't be hype, but I just wasn't sure how much just the source of my food could be effecting me. I mean it does sound silly that I would be melting away 70 lbs of fat from eating steak and ice cream.

You MUST read this article: http://shine.yahoo.com/event/loveyourbody/why-you-cant-lose-those-last-10-pounds-1964849/

A big thanks to Donna for bringing this to my attention. There is a great amount of work to be done.

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