

Hello all of you loyal organic followers! I love the feedback and support that you have been giving me.

The grueling journey still continues on. It has been a really rough road with a lot of disappointments and confusion. At the same time I am happy to know that spring will be upon us soon and I will have a wonderful opportunity to dig in and start talking to some of the farmers out there.

Just as I have many supporters I too have a lot of people that doubt what I am doing. They don't think organic can be achieved. They think that my physical changes are more mental. There are people that are very close to me who have witnessed the physical changes I have undergone and still don't think my results will happen for others.
They criticize my building my life around the USDA label which is not true. In fact I will be talking about farmers that may not be organic whom I buy from shortly.

The only reason I started this journey is because I knew as a child I had food that grew from our gardens or was sourced locally. I was a thin child all of the way through to my second year of college which is when I moved away from the foods that I was raised on. I still vividly remember the disappointment I had in the food that I was eating when I moved from Kentucky. It only made sense that if I return back to the way I used to eat/live then I will see some changes..... and so far I have! It's more gradual now, but very real!

I can't wait to see what I uncover. I just hope I can last through the amount of deceit that goes on when it comes to "Natural" and "Organic" foods.
Once again thank you all for reading this journey whether you believe it or not.

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