

Long before I came to the conclusion that my food source could possibly be the culprit of my weight issues there was a man known as the "NAKED CHEF", Jamie Oliver taking the UK's food system by storm.

Many people have suggested that I get in contact with him to join forces to make a change. I first wanted to really see if I would see any difference in me first. Not only have I seen a difference, but so have others. Over two sizes smaller and only 60 days later I have to say that I am becoming partial to what organic could possibly mean for me.

Despite what organic may or may not do Jamie's mission to get people to eat healthier is really important. I was already eating healthy. That was definitely not my issue. Volume of food was sometimes an issue when I went to eat out, but when compared what others can eat it really wasn't terribly much.

Check out the FOOD REVOLUTION that will air this month and be sure to sign the petition that he is circulating.

No matter what we all deserve the option to have better food sources!

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