

I was in the middle of Harlem about to pass out from being tied up in an appointment for 5 hours with no food or water so I ducked into a bodega to try to see if there was anything that I could eat or drink that could be organic.

I ran across NAKED's new tropical smoothie with coconut juice. I knew they were known for not having anything artificial in them, but that wasn't good enough for me. What grabbed my attention was the fact that the label said that there were no GMO's in the bottle. That means none of the produce was genetically modified. Back to the Coconut....it is also a really good electrolyte which balances the body. The coconut also cuts the calories of the smoothies by 35%.

My real issue this entire time has been genetically modified foods. Something tells me our bodies may not be able to process our GMO foods. Sometimes the body has a very difficult time getting rid of chemicals, etc. Eventually the body stores those chemicals in our fat cells.

The funny thing is many doctors know that toxins are fat soluble. Is it possible that chemicals can make us fat? Hmmmmmmm? I'm going to have to look into this further.

In the meantime I am very happy to see Naked is not messing with their fruit. Worst case scenario I think I would take pesticides over GMO's!

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