

My friend Stephanie was so excited to see some of the changes that I have undergone from eating entirely organic that she decided to go ahead an jump on board.....at least for this month. I believe she said she had a weight loss goal, but don't quote me on it. I think she already looks fabulous!

Anyway I thought one of the very interesting things that she posted on her facebook wall was that she is sleeping better! I have to say that in the beginning I noticed my body craved more sleep as well. Babies are constantly repairing at a rapid rate and need tons of sleep. Could organic be rejuvenating for Stephanie as well? Is her body trying to mend from all of the damage the chemicals induced on her body? Remember toxins are fat soluble and wear down the immune system and slow down the thyroid!

We'll have to keep you posted on her changes as well!

Welcome aboard Stephanie!

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