

I'm officially off the cleanse and back in action. The Clean cleanse was not for me. Not only did I not lose weight, but I gained a couple of pounds. I don't know if it was because I couldn't eliminate my waste properly or if it was because it slowed down my metabolism in the end.
I do know that I'm just glad it's over and I can now get on with my full organic eating.
Even though my one meal a day was organic I just felt like my body wasn't getting nourished properly. My nails are the worst! They are splitting left and right! I have a lot of lashes missing as well.
The thing I missed most about my cleanse were my supplements. No matter how clean and pure we eat our soil is quickly becoming depleted of minerals which are vital to the body. Without minerals (which our bodies do not produce) our cells can't function properly. Our bodies are only going to grow more out of balance.
By the way my colleague on the cleanse did not fare well either. We both had elimination problems. We also drank a couple of gallons of water a day each. Guess we'll both mark this one off of the list!
I was never a big fan of cleanses anyway and after my organic detox experience in the beginning I already fell like I've been on a cleanse anyway!

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