

GMO. Short for Genetically Modified Organism. GMO according to the industrial world is also known as farming productivity. I am never one to stand in the way of science, but the idea of altering the course of nature for the rest of time just does not sit well with me. Once you go down this road one can never come back.

It is not science and changing nature that scares me. It's using bacteria or a virus to change that plant's DNA. That virus or bacteria is now part of the plant. It is not friendly bacteria either. It is meant to invade. Feeding our bodies with these mutated plants just doesn't make a lot of sense to me.

There are consequences to our industrial farming practices. People out there are getting sicker than ever! We have more cancers than ever. Could it be that we are getting this cancer because we are not getting good foods to fight off free radicals?
We are also not getting enough minerals because the minerals are being depleted from our soil. Did you know that our bodies don't even produce minerals naturally? Did you know that without minerals our cells can't function properly?

My friends the reason I am writing this post is for one reason. It has been brought to my attention that the current administration like it's past one is allowing our food companies to get away with hiding what happens to our food. The europeans won't let them get away with that, but we don't make companies accountable as consumers in any way in this country!

It's not about making companies stop what they are doing. Everyone should be free to do what they want to do. That's the problem in the first place. Everyone is trying to control everyone. It's about allowing people to do what they want and make the choices that they want.

I want to know where my food is coming from and what they are doing!
If that is important to you as well I encourage you to read this article and sign the petition. Please pass this along to others you think might care.

We still might have a chance!

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